MATH 251 – Numerical Computing – Final Exam
May 7, 2022 2022-05-17 16:07MATH 251 – Numerical Computing – Final Exam
Chapter 2
Session 1: The Show
Session 2: The Bisection Method
Session 3: Newton’s Method
Session 4: Newton’s Method Problem Solving (part 1)
Session 5: Newton’s Method Problem Solving (Part 2)
Chapter 5
Notes for all chapter 5
- Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Approximation of the First Order Derivative
Lesson 3: Error Analysis for the First Order Derivative
Lesson 4: Richardson Extrapolation for the FD of the First Order Derivative
Lesson 5: Richardson Extrapolation for the BD of the First Order Derivative
Lesson 6: Richardson Extrapolation for the CD of the First Order Derivative
Lesson 7: Second and Third Order Derivatives
The Trapezoidal Rule (Lecture)
Chapter 6
Session 1: Intro
Session 2: First-order Explicit Runge-Kutta scheme (Euler’s method)
Session 3: Second order Explicit Runge-Kutta schemes
Session 4: Higher order Explicit Runge Kutta schemes
Session 5: Solving a Vector Initial Value Problem
Session 6: Solving Systems using RK1-Schemes
Session 7: Solving Systems using higher order RK-schemes
Session 8: Higher Order Differential Equations